Brighten their mood and their home with this elegant arrangement of exquisite roses and lilies. A show-stopping colour burst of burnt oranges and simmering reds, this display is guaranteed to attract attention – and plenty of admiring glances too.
Featuring orange Asiatic lilies, red large headed roses, a green spray chrysanthemum, orange germini and red leucadendron with steel grass, eucalyptus, aralia and aspidistra leaves, presented in a high ceramic vase.
Brighten their mood and their home with this elegant arrangement of exquisite roses and lilies. A show-stopping color burst of burnt oranges and simmering reds, this display is guaranteed to attract attention – and plenty of admiring glances too.
Featuring orange Asiatic lilies, red large headed roses, an orange-red spray chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, aralia, colored solidago and more, presented in a tall glass colored vase.
Classic display of white and red flower arrangement in a white vase is the perfect gift for "her" or "him", Anniversary, Valentine, Day of Women... to say congratulations or to express your sympathy. Pure white gladiolus and white lilies are accented with red roses and greenery to create an impressive display.
This arrangement is appropriate to send home or to church.
Classic display of white flowers arrangement in a white vase is the perfect gift for "her" or "him", Anniversary, Valentine, Day of Women... to say congratulations or to express your sympathy. Pure white gladiolus and white lilies are accented with white big head daisies and greenery to create an impressive display.
This arrangement is appropriate to send home or to church.
Our Memorable red roses and white Lily Bouquet is blooming with gorgeous grace to celebrate love and life. The winning colour combination of red and white.
This stunning flower bouquet has been picked fresh for you to help you celebrate Christmas, birthday, anniversary, or convey your message of heartfelt love and affection.
This bouquet includes the following: roses, lilies, and an assortment of lush greens.
Our rose and lily bouquet is a real delight and suitable for celebrating any occasion. Send a reminder of your love and affection with single rose delivery. Making it the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary, to say congratulations or to send your get well wishes.