Romantic high spiral bouquet with different sizes of red roses, wax flowers, pistacia, black tie, and lots of other greenery.
This bouquet is the perfect gift for an anniversary, birthday, new baby or just to say, "I love you!"
the length of the highest rose stem is cca 70 cm.
Express your affection! Surprise and excite the one you love with this breathtaking rose arrangement in hat box. This unforgettable flower decoration in box is almost guaranteed to leave her speechless. Roses delivery says ‘I love you’ more eloquently than any words can.
The perfect gift for "her" or "him", anniversary, Valentine, Day of Women... or to say congratulations.
Whether it's for a sweetheart or a friend, classic rose floral gift will make people smile.
Icelandic roses are always so very popular for all kind of occasion and an absolute classic.
3 sizes available.
Beautiful quotes in picture frames- I love you to the moon and back
Size of the frame is 12*12 cm.
Color choice is white or black photo frame.
This item is beautifully wrapped in clear foil with ribbon.
Beautiful quotes in picture frames- Love is when are two hearts beating as one…
Size of the frame is 12*12 cm.
Color choice is white or black photo frame.
This item is beautifully wrapped in clear foil.