Stunning mixed bouquet of orange lilies and mini gerbera daisy and berries is a great way to start the day, whether you are the one giving or receiving the bouquet. This bouquet is full of happiness and energy, with the power to brighten up any day. You bring the thought-We’ll bring the flowers!
Peach coloured roses, white lilies, other flowers and lots of other green goodies are tucked into this compact, white-peach flower arrangement in round glass vase. Makes it a favourite gift to offer congratulations for graduation, engagements, bridal showers, new baby, or even a gift of sympathy.
This elegant wreath conveys your heartfelt sentiments and high regard for your departed loved one. Pink lilies, roses and more.... are arranged among variety of lush greens, forming a wonderful floral design.
Standard size for funeral wreath is L- 65-75 cm in diameter.
Displayed on a wire easel.
All of our funeral arrangements are professionally arranged by skilled florists.
Each arrangement is hand delivered to the funerals or funeral directors. This item qualifies for FREE SHIPPING in Reykjavik area!
Price includes double printed memorial ribbon (please write us the text in card message).
This elegant wreath conveys your heartfelt sentiments and high regard for your departed loved one. Appropriate for men and women of any age. White and red roses create are arranged among variety of lush greens, forming a wonderful representation of a life well-lived.
Standard size for funeral wreath is L- 65-75 cm in diameter.
Displayed on a wire easel.
All of our funeral arrangements are professionally arranged by skilled florists.
Each arrangement is hand delivered to the funerals or funeral directors.
This item qualifies for FREE SHIPPING in Reykjavik area!
Price includes double printed memorial ribbon (please write us the text in card message).