Garden style Bouquets are hand tied and are also referred to as clutch bouquets. This type of bouquet is tied with hanging ribbon over the stems. Both white and colorful peonies are in trend, so you will surely find the right colour for you and your wedding. Peonies wedding bouquets can also fit both classic and modern brides.
They are a beautiful choice for an outdoor wedding by icelandic waterfall or black lava beach wedding.
Garden style Bouquets are hand tied and are also referred to as clutch bouquets. This type of bouquet is tied with hanging ribbon over the stems. Both white and colorful peonies are in trend, so you will surely find the right colour for you and your wedding. Peonies wedding bouquets can also fit both classic and modern brides.
They are a beautiful choice for an outdoor wedding by icelandic waterfall or black lava beach wedding.
If you can’t decide on one or two bright tones for your wedding bouquet, go all out and have some colours of the rainbow! Blues, greens, oranges, and salmon combine in this amazing wedding bouquet.