Valentine's bouquet with red long stemed roses and gerbera daisy, greenery and heart..
Express your affection! Surprise and excite the one you love with this breathtaking flower bouquet. This unforgettable bouquet is almost guaranteed to leave her or him speechless.
Different sizes of roses, gerbera daisy and greenery are mixed in this bouquet.
The greenery may may vary depending on variability
The perfect gift for "her" or "him", anniversary, Valentine, Day of Women... or to say congratulations.
the greenery may vary.
lots of greenery
Taking care of roses:
Fill the vase about 3/4 with water. Add half a packet of flower food. Remove all leaves that would be underwater in the vase, as they will rot, reducing the life of the flower.
Plan to replace the water every two-three days. Cut the stems at an angle at that time and add a little bit of flower food.
Enjoy your flowers!!