Standandi Útfarakrans með einu skreytingu.

Þessi ótrúlega fallegi krans er með einu skreytingu sem innihalda hvítar og kremaðar rósir og fleira. Klassísk stærð er L-H-65-70 cm-B-55 cm. Þennan fallega krans er hægt að láta senda í útfararstofu eða kirkju. Borði er innifalinn í verði. Vinsamlegast pantið með að lágmarki tveggja daga fyrirvara!
SKU: KRANS-3-sitting
35.000 kr.

Some examples of ideas for messages on printed ribbon.

  1.     Forever in our thoughts.
  2.     Gone but never forgotten.
  3.     Our memories build special bridges to you, with our love
  4.     Thinking of you always.
  5.     We shall miss you dearly with much love and affection.
  6.     A light has gone out of our lives, but our happy memories remain.
  7.     Wishing you peace and comfort. And wishing you the courage to face the days ahead. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
  8.     You will be sorely missed.
  9.     With love and memories
  10.   Some wonderful memories and huge great laughs, you will always be in our hearts, god bless.
  11.   May you rest in peace.
  12.   Treasured memories of a much loved and kind sister and aunt never to be forgotten.
  13.   We love you and are so proud of you.  Rest in Peace.
  14.   Wish upon a star mum, you gave and received so much joy within our hearts, god bless you.
  15.   With love and fond memories.
  16.   Sleep peacefully my love, you will live on forever in my heart.
  17.   Memories of You Will Last Forever
  18.   May these flowers in some way help to express our sympathy and support. Sharing in your sorrow.
  19.   You will be missed but never forgotten.  You have captured a place in our hearts. Rest in Peace.
  20.   Your memories will never die, your stories are irreplaceable, and you may now rest in peace.
  21.   In loving memory.
  22.   Our time together was far too short…May you be at peace in Gods arms. Love
  23.   Always in my heart.
  24.   When a person becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
  25.   Love you lots and I’m going to miss you so very much, a hole in my life that will never be filled. All my love.
  26.   Time may pass and fade away but memories of you will always stay.
  27.   May these flowers in some way help to express our sympathy and support. Sharing in your sorrow.
  28.   In loving memory of a lady who was always smiling.
  29.   One day we will remember you with wonder, not grief.
  30.   Wishing you peace and comfort. And wishing you the courage to face the days ahead. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
  31.   Time may pass and fade away, but memories of you will always stay, we will miss you.
  32.   You were always the most beautiful flower in the garden.
  33.   To me you were so special. Someone good and true. Never will I forget you, I thought the world of you.
  34.   What we once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.
  35.   As you danced in the light, love lifted you.  As you brushed against this world so gently, you lifted us.
  36.   You brought joy, happiness and laughter to all who met you. You will be deeply missed by everyone.